About Us
- Vision -
To provide and uplift the average Filipino with fun and innovative cleaning solutions through Scrub Daddy's unique products.
- Mission -
To give the average Filipino a clean and healthy lifestyle by providing access to innovative cleaning solutions with Scrub Daddy products.
- Scrub Daddy Philippines Story -
Scrub Daddy Inc. is an upcoming cleaning brand hailing from the United States. It is most well known for its appearance in the show "Shark Tank" in 2012. After founder Aaron Krause had pitched his idea for a Smiling Sponge to the Sharks and obtaining Lori Greiner as its investor, the company soared and is known as the best selling product that has come out of the tank. Now ready to expand globally with presence in several countries outside the US, the Philippines is now ready to experience America's favorite sponge!

Through several discussions, Wincorp Enterprises Inc. holds the rights to be the sole distributor of Scrub Daddy products in the Philippines. Having been in the business of importation and distribution for several years, it has expanded its product line to include America's favorite sponge to provide improved cleaning solutions to consumers and businesses in the Philippines.

We hope you love this brand as much as we do and give us the opportunity to bring a smile into your home!